45 best speed dating questions you can ask a prospective date

Speed dating is the hot new alternative on the dating scene, compared to barhopping and online dating. In the present world of speed and frenzy, speed dating is the instant dating solution for today’s youngsters. Unlike normal dating, you have got five to 10 minutes to meet and create chemistry. Because of this limited time, the way you dress and the questions you ask are really important. One thing you really don’t have is the luxury of time. If you are tongue-tied, you are out of the picture. No one wants to date some one who does not talk, is boring or nervous. So dating experts advise that short of having a paper full of questions, you must be ready with a list of interesting, impressive and enjoyable questions that will keep the conversation thriving in those five-ten minutes. Some of the questions ranging from serious to silly, that are used in speed dating are as follows: 1)What do you do for work? - It is an introductory question. It may reveal the professional status of a person but little about his personality. So move on to another question. 2)Where are you from? - This reveals background. It throws better light on the person. 3)What is the one thing about yourself that you would like me to know? More insight into personality. 4)When was your last relationship and how long did it last? A probing question that will open up the communication. 5)What are you looking for in a relationship? You can both instantly compare whether you match in this area. 6)What do you think is the most important value in a relationship? 7 )Do you want to marry or have you ever been married? This is important, as it will reveal if both are moving in the same direction - towards or away from marriage. 8)What do you look for in a husband/wife? Try to elicit an honest answer. 9)Do you want/do you have any children? An important question if you are looking for a long-term relationship and your partner is not. 10)What do you do for fun? - This will throw light on whether your leisure activities match. Are you a bookworm and she an outdoorsy person? 11)What are you most proud about? This reveals the basic values of the person - whether he/she values money or adventure/ intellectual pursuits. 12)Is religion important to you? 24x7 living together means understanding on certain basic issues like religious beliefs. 13)Do you follow politics? Are you a Democrat or a Republican? You can spar on your political affiliations. 14)Do you believe in love at first sight? You can decide whether he/she is a romantic person or not. 15)What is your most treasured possession and why? What a person is sentimental about reveals a great deal about his personality. Is it his bike or a locket presented by a sister? 16)What is your favorite month of the year and why? Does he like to sweat it out in summer activities or curl up like a cat in winter? 17)Which is your favorite book/movie? Both of you can discuss why you like a book or a movie - throws further in sight into personality. 18)Which is the last book you read? A conversation starter. 19)Which is the one job in the world that you would love to do? Throws light on likes and dislikes. 20)Which is your favorite music and your favorite singer/band? Do you share musical tastes? 21)Do you like animals/keep pets? Are you going to clash on this issue - one an animal hater, the other a pet lover? 22)How do you spend your spare time? This is important, as it will really help if both love to do the same things in spare time. 23)Where do you see yourself in five years time? Watch out if he has no definite goals for the future and is in a rut. A positive mark for her if she has her life and career planned out positively. 24)If you were an animal in the wild, what would you be? Silly, amusing question to get the laughs. 25)Do you believe a cup is half empty or half full? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? 26)If you could travel back through time, what single mistake would you correct in life? What are the deepest regrets of a person? 27)You have got six months to live, what will you do first? Insight into personality. 28)Is sexual compatibility important to you? Do opinions match? 29)Who was your hero, as a child? Insight into personality. 30)If you won a lottery, how would you spend your millions? Amusing question just for laughs. 31)Which was the first crush you ever had? Reminiscing sentiments. 32)What makes you laugh/cry? Really important and throws light on personality. 33)If you have friends coming over, what would you cook? 34)Describe your perfect holiday. One thinks frozen Alaska, the other sunny Australia. 35)Which T.V. program would you never miss? Do our tastes match? 36)What is the last CD you bought? 37)Are you a morning person or a night person? We will never spend common time. 38)Would you like to climb a mountain or trek across a desert? We will never agree on holidays. 39)What adjective would a close friend use to describe you? Friendly or idiotic. 40)If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? 41)Into which personality’s shoes would you like to step for a day? Says a lot about your taste. 42)Who is you favorite actor/actress/celebrity and why? 43)Who is your favorite sportsperson? 44)What is your favorite sporting activity? 45)Which is your favorite genre of movies - comedy/thriller/action? You must remember to be confident. Act confident even if you are not. You must make proper introductions. You must go about the dating event with a positive attitude. Dress well. Do not tell lies or have unrealistic expectations. Avoid swearing and controversial topics. There are numerous other questions you can ask on a speed date if you rack your brains. The trick is to select from among these the questions that are closest to your heart and whose answers are important to you. Also remember never to be tongue-tied and paralyzed if you can't remember the important questions; there are so many inane things to discuss and enjoy!

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