25 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Smile - Romantic Tips and Ideas (Must Read)

Poets and writers have long complained that it is impossible to know what makes a woman happy. It is quite simple really. All she needs is a little bit of appreciation and lots of love. So if you are aiming for the Best Boyfriend of the Year Award or if you are seeking to be back in favor after bungling something up, here are a few infallible ways to make your girlfriend smile.
1.Write her a love poem Most women are incurable romantics and you will never go wrong with a love message. It can be a mushy poem that you have dedicated to her eyes and lips or a love letter mentioning how you have been up for the past eleven nights thinking about her. The more outrageous the better!
2.Take her out on a luxury cruise Your girlfriend will not only love the sun and sea but will be thrilled to vacation in style. Make sure that you outdo the hostesses in looking after your girlfriend’s every want and she will surely return home beaming.
3.Surprise her with a meal you have cooked Nothing can be more romantic than a boyfriend who has taken the time and effort to rustle up a meal for his lady love. It will not only make her smile but also make her mouth water at the spread you have laid out for her.
4.Send her flowers at work Receiving a lovely bouquet from you is certain to bring a smile on your girlfriend’s lips. What’s more she will be secretly thrilled to get envious glances from her female co-workers.
5.Book her a session at the spa What better way for a woman to spend an afternoon than to indulge her senses in aromatic spa treatments. Your girlfriend will not only come back glowing from the luxurious massage, but be immensely pleased by your gesture.
6.Send your girlfriend funny, flirtatious text messages They will bring a few light moments on a busy working day and surely make her smile.
7.Get her favorite DVD and watch it together Your girlfriend will love the fact that you are not wasting your time on boring matches and watching something with her for a change. Don’t forget to make the popcorn though.
8.Tell your girlfriend that you will take her shopping After she recovers from the shock, drive down to her favorite mall, hold her shopping bags and even get pizzas packed for dinner. All this will leave your girlfriend smiling for the rest of the evening.
9.Put together her favorite songs Compile a list of the twenty romantic songs your girlfriend likes best. Burn them on a CD and gift it to her. She is sure to be touched at your romantic gesture.
10.Charm her with a compliment Hold your girlfriend close and tell her she smells like heaven. Your words will not only bring a smile on her lips but will also put a song in her heart for the rest of the day.
11.Surprise your girlfriend with a picnic on a Sunday afternoon Head for the beach or even the neighborhood park. She will love the impromptu outing. However make sure that you remember to pack the picnic hamper and don’t leave her to cater for lunch.
12.Show appreciation for something your girlfriend has made It may be knitted scarf or something from her pottery class. Even if it an abstract painting and you cannot make out which is right side up, tell her you love it.
13.Appreciate her dress If your girlfriend has taken pains to dress for a party, be sure to notice it. Tell her she looks amazing and say it like you mean it. The compliment will surely bring a smile on her lips.
14.Spend a day with your girlfriend at an amusement park She will love the rides, the clowns, the candy floss and the magic mirrors. Remember, every woman has a little girl hidden somewhere inside her.
15.Get her coffee first thing in the morning Be ready with a steaming cup of coffee when she wakes up after spending a night with you. Your thoughtfulness will remind her of the intimacy you shared and make her smile.
16.Surprise her Surprise your girlfriend with a really expensive gift like a diamond pendant or a Chanel perfume. She may appear horrified but will be really thrilled to be pampered like that.
17.Get her the dessert she loves Take your girlfriend to her favorite pastry shop and ask her to wait at a table while you get something packed for a friend. Then surprise your sweetheart by bringing her favorite dessert and placing it before her. Her joy will know no bounds!
18.Ask her Ask your girlfriend tenderly what she would like to do before you get ready for an intimate evening. She will be pleased at seeing her wishes are equally important to you.
19.Give her a massage Offer to rub your girlfriend’s neck or back when you know that she has had a particularly busy day at work. She will not only relieved by the massage but greatly touched by your concern.
20.Gift baskets Put together a gift basket for your wife with assorted aromatic oils. Present it to her when there is no special occasion and she will love the gesture.
21.Romantic notes Slip in a romantic note into your girlfriend’s handbag. She is sure to smile at the words when she reads it later.
22.Tell your girlfriend how beautiful she looks Don’t wait for a special occasion to say the words and it will make her day.
23.Go for a show she loves Take your girlfriend out to her favorite show, whether it is a movie, a theatrical production or the opera. She will not only enjoy the evening but be glad you were there to share it with her.
24.Make your girlfriend smile by doing something funny Share a joke or an imitation of someone comic. All couples need to loosen up now and then.
25.Tell your girlfriend you love her And if she reminds you that you just said those words five minutes back, tell her again. And again, until she shuts you up with a kiss.

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