10 Sweet Words To say To Your Partner in a Relationship

When was the last time you said something really tender to your lover? After one passes through the initial days of dating, partners quickly run out of romantic things to say to each other. Married couples too, become busy with the daily business of living and forget how a few words of love could warm their hearts on chilly nights. Here are few suggestions to bring back those days of wine and roses with some of the most romantic things to say to your lover.

“You look wow”

Compliment your partner of his or her looks and see the stars twinkle in their eyes. Telling your lover how nice he or she looks will instantly pep up your partner, make right a bad day and best of all, make them feel truly loved and appreciated. However be careful to sound sincere in your compliments since even a hint of faking can ruin a wonderful moment and leave your partner feeling disillusioned. Also use the line sparingly as over-doing might turn the words as well as the sentiment behind it commonplace.

“Wonder what good I did to deserve you”

This romantic line brings back memories of the tender love song, “I must have done somebody some good” from the classic musical “Sound of Music”. The words not only imply that the speaker is aware of his or her own shortcomings but marks out the partner as one of the blessings of their lives. The emotion that your presence and love in somebody else’s life makes a positive difference is very empowering and is sure to melt the hearer. Use this line when you are sharing a quiet moment with your lover so that the full import of the words sink in.

“I love it when you are near me”

Whisper these words in your lover’s ears when you are sharing an intimate moment and watch the difference it makes to your relationship. Physical intimacy is a big factor is having a healthy relationship and telling your partner how good you feel when you both are wrapped up in each other’s arms is a sure-fire way to set the flames of your love roaring.

“Please hold my hand”

This line works like a miracle when the two of you are in the middle of a fight and no resolution seems forthcoming. The words highlight the need for partners to stay connected even when their individual opinions and priorities may clash. By sending out this message, you will instantly break the tension of the moment and hold out the possibility of smoothening out differences. However don’t forget to accompany your words with a light squeeze of your partner’s hand and he/she will know that you both are on the same side.

Give your lover a dozen roses and accompany them with words or a note saying, “I will love you till the last one dies”. However make sure that while eleven of them are real, one is a silk rose. The line may seem cheesy at first, but, all said and done, you do need someone to say them to you.

“You’re amazing”

Reserve these words for the time when your lover has accomplished a challenging task, like completing a project at work or whipping up a delicious dinner for you. The works mark appreciation of the other person’s qualities as an individual or a partner, depending on the occasion for which it is used. Your lover will not only feel good about their own achievements but also proud to have such a supportive partner.

“If God chose, I shall but love thee better after death”

This modification of a quote from Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s famous sonnet, “Let me count the ways” is a beautiful reminder of the constancy of love which survives even death. Use it at a moment of deep connection with your lover and he or she is sure to be overwhelmed by the powerful emotion embedded in the words.

“Meet the essence of my life”

Say these words when you are in company and are introducing your partner to people around. He or she will not only be pleased at such a straightforward avowal of your love but glad that your chose to admit it in public. Better still, follow the sentence by whispering in your lover’s ears, “and I mean it”.

Look for a romantic quote from literature and say it an appropriate occasion. For instance if you wish to convey your passion, quote from Emily Dickinson’s unforgettable lines, “Wild Nights, Wild Nights/Were I with thee/ Wild Nights Should be/ our luxury…”. On the other hand if you want something more tender, how about Robert Burns’ well-known poem, “ O My love is like a red red rose/That’s newly sprung in June/O my Love is like the melody/that is sweetly played in tune”. These classic quotes contain a wealth of emotion and since they have been created by some of the best poets in history, they are crafted to remarkable effect.

“God must’ve been showing off when He created you”

This line offers a nonchalant and yet clever way of appreciating your lover. If your partner is looking particularly attractive one evening, the words can be highly appropriate. Or you can even weave it in an ordinary conversation as a natural way of praising your lover. It is fun and flirty and best of all ,sure to leave your partner glowing with pleasure.

“I love you”

No matter how many times you have said it before, nothing compares to these three simple words in conveying the depth of your love. However it is imperative that you mean the words when you say them. Or else they will become yet another commonplace phrase used to cover up uncomfortable gaps in conversation.

It is the easiest thing to find romantic things to say to your lover or partner. Even if you have spent many years together or are nervous as to the right thing to say in a budding relationship, you are unlikely to go wrong with these ideas. Look deep into your lover’s eyes, hold his/her hand and say the romantic words like you mean them.


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