Top 10 Romantic Tips To Ask A Girl Out (Must Read)

You have been seriously dating this girl for some time now and have finally decided that she is the one for you. The next step is obviously proposing to her  but you may find yourself sweating about where and how to do it. Go through these ideas to make your proposal truly romantic and one that your girlfriend will remember forever.

Recreate your first date
If your girlfriend often gets nostalgic about the first time you went out with each other, why not recreate the magic for this truly special moment. Go back to the restaurant where you had taken your girlfriend and request for the very same song that had been playing that day. Also wear the same suit – if it still fits you – and do something silly that you had done that day and which your girlfriend still remembers. And while she is having a good time reminiscing about your first date and laughing at how nervous you had looked, signal to the waiter to bring the same order but with the words, “will you marry me” decorated in the food. Your girlfriend is sure stop speaking midway and hold her heart in surprise.

Say it with flowers
While proposing with flowers has been a favorite of lovers, add your special touch to this time-honored practice. Since women love to be wooed before others, arrange for a huge bouquet of flowers to be delivered to your girlfriend’s workplace. Just make sure nothing important like a board meeting or stock-taking is scheduled for that day. And once the flowers reach her office and lead to oohs and aahs from admiring co-workers, pop in and propose to your beloved with the whole floor watching. And you can be certain that your girlfriend will forget about the flowers for just a moment.

Beam it up
One of the most exciting ways to propose would be to have the question pop in during  a radio or television show that your girlfriend is particularly fond of. Arrange with the studio beforehand to announce your proposal at a strategic time like just before the announcement of winners at the show. However be sure to casually ask your girlfriend if she is going to catch tonight’s show since you don’t want her to miss the proposal after you have gone through all the trouble of fixing it. Most importantly, arrange to be present with her when the question comes so that you can witness that priceless look of amazement and love on her face.

The sky is the limit
Skywriting is undoubtedly one of most fantastic ways of proposing to your girlfriend. The difficulty in getting a trained pilot makes it rare and therefore all the more exciting. But best of all, you can announce your love for your girlfriend before the whole world and if this does not get a yes from her, nothing will.

Print it out
Another public but not such a spectacular proposal can made with an advertisement in a newspaper. First of all note a particular newspaper or periodical that your girlfriend reads daily. Then arrange with the classifieds section of the paper to put in an advertisement on the special day. Make sure that the ad is not put away in a small corner of the personals column but displayed more or less prominently even if this may cost you a buck. This can be relatively inexpensive if she reads a paper with a local circulation. Some newspapers will let you place an ad that will only be carried in a regional edition. Arrange to be with your girlfriend when she is going through the paper since you may have to hold her as she swoons in surprise!

Head for the outdoors

If your girlfriend is fond of nature, why not propose to her in the midst of a beautiful setting. Hire a boat and row her to the middle of a lake when the sun is about to set and the sky is bathed in a golden hue. Then as you both are admiring the sunset, ask her if she will always be there with you to bid the day goodbye. Answer her puzzled look with a more straightforward proposal and watch how the stars light up in her eyes.


Make it classy

Yet another romantic way to propose to your girlfriend would be to take her out at a fancy restaurant. Go the whole hog and turn up in a dinner jacket after having stepped out of a chauffeur-driven limousine. And while she is taking in the chandeliers, the crystal on the table and the live music at the restaurant, request the waiter to bring in the chef’s special which would naturally be a covered plate with the ring inside it.


On top of the world

If your girlfriend is an adventure freak, you could come up with a truly mind-boggling way to propose to her. Plan to take her out for a ride in a chopper, twin-seat glider or plane. But before that, write the words “will you marry me” on a stretch of beach or land along a pre-determined route. And when the two of you pass that way, make sure that your girlfriend sees the proposal from up in the air. While you may have to put in some effort and planning for this one, you may find the result more than worth the trouble.


Sing it to her

A girl fond of her dancing shoes may love being proposed to on the dance floor at a happening discotheque. Take your girlfriend dancing one evening but give no hint that you have planned something special. Then while her favorite dance numbers are playing, ask the DJ to hand you the microphone so that you can dedicate a song to her, after which announce your proposal in front of the whole crowd.


Get sensuous

If your girlfriend is a more private person, do something special at home to propose to her. When she returns home after work, run the bath with warm water with a few drops of aromatic oils. Let her favorite music play softly and light scented candles around the bath. However make sure that the drain is well-plugged. Finally, place a floating candle with a ring between its petals and wait for her to open it. At first your girlfriend will be merely pleased that you have run a luxurious bath for her, but once she finds the ring, you can be sure she will want you to join as well.

Proposing to the woman you love is likely to be one of the most significant moments in your personal life. So whether your girlfriend would want it to be fun, a public or private moment, make sure that it is truly romantic so that she treasures its memory for days to come.


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