Shade of Lust (Episode 41 & 42)

Shade of Lust (Episode 41)

Kelvin’s side of the story continues from the last scene of the
previous episode

‘’what’s up with your interest in my cousin Jude?. Do you
know his late father?. Is there anything you are not telling
me?’’ I asked Jessica, searching her reaction. She smiled and

‘’I feel that you don’t want your family to know about me. You
don’t tell me anything about them and your body language is
not like that of a guy who wants to take our relationship to the
next level’’ she answered softly while I breathed deeply.

I really wasn’t expecting such reply from her. I had expected
my question to throw her off balance but she answered it
quickly and innocently as if she had nothing else in mind. If
actually she wanted to meet Jude for another motive, it never
showed on her.

‘’how do you think, introducing you to my cousin will change
my body language?’’ I asked.
‘’At least knowing one person from your family will assure me
that you are not a ghost’’ she answered with a smile.
‘’fine, by next weekend, Jude and I will have dinner at your
place. Hope you are cool with it?’’ I offered, leaving a very
satisfying smile on her face.
If really she was planning something bad for my cousin, it
failed to show on her.
Jude’s side of the story continues from the last scene of the
previous episode
‘’what exactly did the lady tell you about my life?. I hope you
are not trying to play with my head?’’ I asked Pamela as I
followed her to the kitchen. She scoffed, turned and faced me.
‘’what will I gain by playing with head. You are free to leave.
You act like a little kid and I feel so sick being with you
sometimes’’ she answered coldly, eyed me and faced the
dishes she was about washing.

I silently watched her for a while, uncertain of what to do next.
She really seemed very serious with the information she gave
me but then it equally looked like a ploy to stop me from

‘’can you tell me about the lady?’’ I demanded but she kept
quiet, saying nothing to me.
‘’please I beg of you. Who is the lady and how did she know
me?’’ I begged breathlessly. She turned, stared at me for a
while and smiled.

‘’don’t get so colored up. You are not dying tonight. I will tell
you everything you need to know later in the night’’ she said
softly. I shrugged with resignation.
I ended up spending the night at her place and it really was a
very long and memorable one for me. Pamela and I had a lot
to discuss and yes we had a very long talk.
‘’so tell me about your new girlfriend?’’ she asked as she
settled down beside me on her bed. I smiled to myself as
Tracy’s image appeared in my head.

‘’her name is Tracy. She has everything I need in a woman.
She is beautiful, intelligent and down to earth’’ I answered
softly. Pamela breathed deeply, drew closer and placed her
head on my chest.

‘’we have been through a lot together and she trusts me so
much’’ I added proudly.
‘’do you have her picture on your phone?’’ she asked

‘’yes’’ I answered, reached for my phone and opened the
picture gallery. Together we went through Tracy’s pictures.
‘’she is very beautiful’’ she confessed.

‘’yes and I’m very proud of her’’ I answered proudly.
‘’so are you going to tell her about us?’’ she suddenly asked,
shocking me with the question.

‘’no I can’t’’ I breathed quickly.
‘’but you have to. Sooner or later she’s bound to find out and if
you are really serious about her, I think the best thing to do is
to open up to her yourself’’ she softly advised while I eyed her

‘’you are a lady and you know a young girl like her will break
up with me on learning of our illicit affair. The great love and
trust she has for me won’t stop her from walking away.’’ I
replied with a slightly raised tone.
‘’okay fine, just do your thing the way you want’’ she muttered
with resignation.

‘’right now, I feel like strangling you. I feel like resetting my
life. You came into my life to ruin me. I’m really far from
happy with you’’ I confessed.

‘’so do you still want to hear about the lady I told you about or
not?’’ she suddenly asked, changing the topic.

Episode 42

‘’so tell me about her. That’s the main reason I stayed back’’ I
muttered. She smiled and sat up.

‘’she is a very powerful spiritualist. She has been giving me
spiritual guidance ever since I came to this country and never
for once has she failed me. She sees the future and
sometimes can manipulate one’s destiny. A friend actually
introduced her to me and you can’t believe her clientele
ranges from young girls, politicians, government contractors,
and even pastors. She has a special way of offering prayers’’
she slowly explained while I laughed.

‘’I really don’t believe in that stuff. There are a lot of them in
my area’’ I said, smiling with disbelief.

‘’before we had the first s-x, I scanned your picture and gave
to her to check if we were compatible. After her prayers, she
told me you are going to be my child’s father but may end up
not seeing the child.’’ She narrated softly.

‘’when I pressed her further, she told me that an evil wind is
circling round you, the same wind that took away your father.’’
She added, putting a little fear in my heart with her words. I
swallowed hard, unable to say anything.

Of course I knew most spiritualist were nothing but
fraudsters but then I equally knew that most of them were
good at predicting ugly events.

‘’if you still doubt me, tomorrow I will take you to her. Perhaps
she will have something new to tell you’’ she added and
smiled reassuringly, leaving me deep in thought whether to go
with her to see the woman or not.

‘’Jude there is no doubt your life is in danger. Trust me. The
last thing I will do is to hurt you because I so much wish for
my child’s father to live a very long life’’ she pressed further,
totally convincing me.

‘’how about we make love?’’ Pamela suddenly demanded,
pulled up her night wear and climbed over me seductively. I
swallowed hard as I stared at her tempting body. I never
suspected she was unclad underneath, until she pulled up her
night wear that very moment.

‘’I’m not in the mood. I want to sleep’’ I lied, trying hard to
look responsible while deep down my body was already
responding to the sight of her seductive body.

‘’I’m already pregnant. So there is nothing to lose. Relax’’ she
pushed, slowly went for my d---k, drew down my shorts and
suc.ked it with great energy. Her mouth and tongue were just
made for the stuff .

We ended up making love once again. I had no one but myself
to blame for having s-x with Pamela that fateful night. I just
couldn’t hold myself from doing it with her not minding the
problems ahead. Perhaps I easily got in the mood because the
last time I had s-x was weeks ago and it was already telling on
Yes I enjoyed every bit of it as it lasted but immediately after
the deed my conscience flogged me. I began feeling regret and
The next morning, I woke up to see Pamela smiling with her
eyes on me. I yawned and sat up, returning her gaze.

‘’you know my greatest prayer is for us to have a happy
family. I can’t imagine how it would feel, waking up every
morning in your arms. I never believed in love until I met you
and now it’s making me look stupid’’ she breathed softly. I
kept quiet. Of course I couldn’t figure out what to say.

‘’you can’t even wish me a happy birthday’’ she suddenly
complained with a sigh. I smiled, drew close and gave her a
surprising kiss.

‘’happy birthday dear’’ I muttered sweetly, leaving her blushing
with delight.

‘’so what are your plans for today?. Do you still wish to see
the woman I told you about or should we plan something for
my birthday?’’ she asked curiously.

‘’I’m going back to where I came from today. I think I will first
like to see the woman before heading back to my state’’ I

‘’okay cool. I guess I will have to sacrifice my birthday
celebration for you.’’ She muttered with resignation.

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