If Your Guy Does These 7 Things, He ’s Playing You For A FOOL

Have you ever left a dating experience feeling like
a complete fool, wondering what the heck
happened? You clearly missed the warning
signals the guy sent , or perhaps didn ’ t know
what to look for .
To that end , I ’ m going to reveal seven red flags
that let you know that the guy you ’re dating is
NOT serious about you. And if you allow it, he ’ ll
make a fool out of you . He’ s not necessarily
mean , but he just doesn ’ t want the same type of
relationship that you do .
Often this problem stems from single women
believing the can change a man ’ s desire for a
relationship. That is pure fantasy . Once a man
tells you he doesn ’t want a relationship or, when
he doesn ’t make time to see you on real dates ,
the rest lands on your shoulders .
Yes , it’ s up to YOU to maintain standards for the
treatment that you want and deserve .
Establishing boundaries means that you know
what you will and will not put up with to have a
man in your life . And quality men who want a
loving relationship will pursue you and do their
best to win you over . They will happily spend
time with you, treat you well and try to impress

If he doesn ’ t act this way from the start, or
dating disintegrates into a virtual relationship —
you need to cut him loose . Otherwise the chances are extremely high that you have some serious embarrassment headed your way.

Here are the seven telltale signs to watch for that let you know he ’ s not serious about you.

1. He tells you he doesn ’ t want a relationship,
but you date him anyway .
You go on a first date with a man who has many
qualities you’ re seeking . He tells you right away
he doesn ’t want a relationship and then engagesnyou in interesting conversation . You like him and decide to see where things go . This is a big mistake.

When a man says he doesn ’ t want a relationship , you need to believe him and move on.

2. He flirts with you , but doesn’ t ask you out.

This man — you know him from work , the gym or church — is such a flirt ! He goes out of his way to turn your head . Funny thing is he never asks you out. He’ s always happy to see you , but it doesn ’ t go any further and that’ s your clue he’ s
not seriously interested .
Any man who wants to date you will ask you out.
If he doesn ’ t, there ’ s something holding him
back, so move on.

3. He says he ’ s never been in love.
This is a tough one . Some women are drawn to
a man , who appears vulnerable and admits he ’ s
never been in love, like a moth to a flame. He
becomes your “ love project” because you think
he just hasn’ t met the right woman yet (a . k . a .
you!) .
Thoughts like these will leave you feeling foolish
when he breaks it off . If he hasn’ t been in love
and he ’ s over 40 , he doesn ’ t want to be in love.
Don’ t’ fall for this — please walk away.
4. He texts , but doesn ’ t have time to see you.

So many men love texting. But any man who texts you “ Good morning Beautiful ” but doesn ’ t have time to see you is probably texting several
other women the same message. Imagine the ego boost of texting with a bunch of single gals.

Don’ t waste your time no matter how much fun
texting him is or how “ into you ” he seems . If he
was serious , he ’d spend time with you in person.

5. He’s newly divorced , isn ’ t ready for anything
serious, but wants to “ see where things go. ”
This is a tricky red flag because he tells you right
off he doesn ’ t want anything serious . Yet, he
dangles the possibility of a relationship based on
how things go.

In your mind you know things could will go great
because you’ re a great catch. So, you decide to
take the chance . Big mistake !
When a man tells you he isn’ t serious, he means it. Finish your glass of wine and say goodbye.

6. He brings “ take out” to your place, but you never go out.

Your date suggests takeout and watching a
movie at your place ( The old “ Netflix and chill ”
routine ) . Sounds cozy right ? But this is the man
code for “ booty call. ” He comes over to your
place, but he never takes you out on a proper
dinner date.

Why? Chances are he can’ t risk being seen in
public with another woman because he ’ s in a
relationship or married . Avoid dates at home until
you’ ve had several dates in public to see how
serious a man is about pursuing you.

7. You always set up dates because he doesn ’ t.
When you call and ask him to do something , he
agrees to meet you . But he never initiates
anything .
Is he lazy ? Maybe, but the more likely motivation
(or lack of it) is that he ’ s just passing time with
you. He has fun and you’ re willing to do all the
work, so why not spend time with you until he
meets a woman he likes more .
Don’ t be a place holder if you don’ t want to feel
foolish . If he doesn ’ t ask you out , regardless of
the reason , drop him fast.
Once you spot any of these seven red flags ,
commit to walk away and find a better prospect.
I understand that walking away is not easy . Some
men seem too cute , charming , or fun to reject
them and resist their advances. But, don’t waste
time with men who make a fool of you . If you
have any inkling or suspicion , move on because
there are plenty of good men out there for you to
date .

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