Are you tired of writing JAMB/UTME every year? Or you are tired of sitting at home? Or
You are unable to meet up with your GP?
I'm using this medium to let you know that all hope is not lost.
You can gain admission in 200 Level in any university of your choice through IJMB, JUPEB & NAGCE.
Wonder no more, the reason why he/she is now in 200 level is because that your so friend has gone to enroll in an A'level programme like IJMB, and used the result to apply for his/her university of choice. And we are here to explain today, what the programme is all about, and how you can use the same result to gain admission, and by next year October, you too must have been in 200 level.
What is IJMB?
IJMB means Interim Joint Matriculation Board. It is an A Level program organized by ABU Zaria. IJMB is an 8 months program through which you can secure admission in to 200 level in any university of your choice. IJMB is equivalent to NCE and OND. After your final examination you can use the result to secure admission in to 200 Level by obtaining direct entry form.
You are unable to meet up with your GP?
I'm using this medium to let you know that all hope is not lost.
You can gain admission in 200 Level in any university of your choice through IJMB, JUPEB & NAGCE.
Wonder no more, the reason why he/she is now in 200 level is because that your so friend has gone to enroll in an A'level programme like IJMB, and used the result to apply for his/her university of choice. And we are here to explain today, what the programme is all about, and how you can use the same result to gain admission, and by next year October, you too must have been in 200 level.
What is IJMB?
IJMB means Interim Joint Matriculation Board. It is an A Level program organized by ABU Zaria. IJMB is an 8 months program through which you can secure admission in to 200 level in any university of your choice. IJMB is equivalent to NCE and OND. After your final examination you can use the result to secure admission in to 200 Level by obtaining direct entry form.
Why You Need To Write IJMB Before Even Before Creating JAMB Profile
Most O'level leavers do not even know any program called A' level. A level program means an Advanced programme, and the most common A' level programs in Nigeria as of today are IJMB, Cambridge A Level, JUPEB and NABTEB A Level. These programmes when run by a student, such student has the opportunity to combine the result with Direct Entry form that is obtainable at JAMB office and banks and used it to gain admission into any of the candidate choices of university, and now he/she gains admission into 200 level and they can study any course being Medicine, Law, Accounting etc.
Furthermore, why we are here today is because of IJMB, IJMB is a 9-months programme, the programmes is moderated and supervised by Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The exam is usually February every year, and the result is released between late April or early May. Again, lectures usually commence between March and April evey year.
Why You Need To Write IJMB First Before JAMB
Now that the JAMB do not accept awaiting result, most O' level leavers who do not know IJMB or any of the A' Level, ending up wasting the opportunity they have to apply for IJMB in order to admission with IJMB result the following year into 200 level, and by this means they waste no time at home at all. So the number reason is that you do not have waste any time at home
Secondly, the chances of students to gain admission into 200 level is higher than JAMB we have over 1.5 Million competing for few spaces every year but with IJMB, only a few people use Direct Entry form. It is far less competitive.
Furthermore, when you wait for the following year to write JAMB, if you refuse to go for IJMB program, the chances candidates have to gain admission with JAMB is less than 50%. But when you write IJMB first (immediately you finished secondary school) is more than 80%. At least, 80% of people who write IJMB every does use it to gain admission.
When you are lucky to know about IJMB and apply for the program, your result has 90% to be better than those who use JAMB, because your CGPA start counting from 200 level unlike those who their CGPA starts counting from 100 level. Greater chances of graduating with 2.1 (Second class upper)
Again, applying with IJMB result does not automatically stop from applying with JAMB also. So when yo are done with your WAEC, NECO, GCE, NABTEB examinations and you decided to go for IJMB, when you are done and you come out with a good point from IJMB. And decided to buy your Direct Entry form from bank/JAMB office. It does not stop you from buying JAMB form also. So why you are using IJMB result in one hand, you are using JAMB form in another. So one must click. But does it necessary? Your answer.
Another thing we must mention here before telling you steps to register for IJMB is that with your Direct Entry form, you can apply to as many universities as you want. Up to 6 universities (If you buy 3 Direct Entry forms), But do you need that? Your answer
When you are in 200 level, there is no different between those who use IJMB and JAMB to gain admission.
IJMB gives you first-hand experience of Campus life, hostel and different people from different states, region.
Parents should start encouraging their wards to go for IJMB first, before thinking of writing JAMB if at all he/she must write one.
Benefits Of Writing JAMB Before IJMB
Sorry, is there any benefitting of writing JAMB before IJMB? I do not know of any, but now I remember one. The one I remember will just make you like every other 1.5 million who write JAMB every year and 990,000 who does not use it to gain admission into the university of every year.
NOTE: Registration For 2018/2019 IJMB Academic Session have started and it will be closing very soon. REGISTER FOR IJMB NOW.
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