Shade of Lust (Episode 13)

Shade of Lust (Episode 13)
‘’listen Jude, I don’t know what is going on with you anymore
and I don’t associate with any guy who doesn’t take his future
seriously. You just have to forget about our friendship. We
have nothing in common any longer’’ she shouted from her
room, leaving me stunned.

‘’this isn’t the way to treat a friend. At least you should have
offered a listening ear to me first before concluding things in
your mind’’ I shouted back, banging on her door. She opened
the door once again, this time holding the suitcase I left in her

‘’you have to take your dad’s stuff. I don’t want it in my room
anymore’’ she breathed as her eyes fell on the things I bought
for her.
‘’I know you are angry. And you have every right to be angry
with me. But please leave my dad’s stuff out of this. I left it in
your care for a reason’’ I begged.

‘’just get out of here please’’ she muttered, sighed and shut
her door again. Her action r4eally annoyed me in a way
because she wasn’t my girlfriend even though we shared
many things in common. I simply turned and returned to my
room with all the stuffs I bought for her, regretting ever
spending my money on them.
The next day, Tracy carried on with her attitude of the
previous day. She simply ignored me even though I prepared
for school very early because of her and without her company
in school I felt out of place and had to leave before the second
lecture of the day.

The next few days would have been extremely boring for me if
not for Pamela who turned out to be a very free and jovial
lady. After reaching her on phone where I introduced myself
all over again, she kind of became very free with me, to the
extent of adding me up on her social media accounts. She
was mostly active on bbm.
In no time we developed a very strong bond. I told her almost
everything about myself, though I lied about my age by
claiming to be twenty six years old.

‘’and what are you still doing in the university. Hmmm I really
thought you were within the age range of twenty two to twenty
four’’ she had asked when I lied to her about my age.
‘’my dad wanted me to study in Nigeria by all means,
something I kicked against and had to spend two idle years at
home before succumbing to his wish’’ I lied further.

But not only did I open up to her about myself, she equally
opened up about her life to me.( Though, she never really told
me everything about her life). However she told me of her
fears, plans and dreams. She equally opened up about her
marriage life by telling me that she was nothing but a second
wife to a senator from the northern region.

‘’My dear it isn’t easy getting your life back after sacrificing a
lot to get to the top.’’ Were the exact words she typed the
evening she told me about her marriage life. I didn’t push
further with the conversation but I knew she had lots of
problems going on with her marriage and even though I had
lots of questions to ask concerning her background, religion
and so on, I kept them all aside because they were none of my
business. All I wanted was a good time with her; A very risky

Yes and I kept my dealings with her away from Kelvin.
As days passed by, the bond between Pamela and I grew
stronger and the desire to be with her took control of my
sense of reasoning and soul. In one of our late night phone
calls, I finally popped the question.
‘’how do we see again?”
it was a question I used everything in me to ask. I couldn’t
even breathe out of nervousness after asking the question.
‘’hmmmm why do you want us to see again?’’ she asked after
keeping quiet for some seconds.

‘’we have a lot in common and I just want to spend a good
time with you’’ I murmured, not sure if I gave the right answer.
‘’but we have been spending a lot of time with each other
chatting and speaking daily on phone’’ she muttered, perhaps
trying hard not to appear desperate or cheap.
‘’yes but that’s on phone. I want to see your face and be able
to touch it’’ I answered, while she let out a short laugh.
‘’aren’t you scared of me?. Hope you still remember who I’m?’’
she asked softly.

‘’yes I very well do. You are a very charming, attractive and
beautiful lady that I will do anything to be with’’ I replied
‘’hmmmm anything?’’ she asked.
‘’of course anything’’ I quickly breathed.
‘’I will be coming down to Asaba on Saturday for a wedding.

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