Shade of Lust (Episode 6)

 Shade of Lust (Episode 6)

Kelvin’s side of the story continues
Early the next morning, I headed to the village to confront my
dad. Deep down I was extremely anxious. A part of me needed
the truth while another part of me was scared of what the truth
could reveal. I prayed for my dad not to be involved in the silly
scandal. Of courses his involvement would affect my plans and
everything I stood for.

I just wasn’t myself as I drove into our compound that early
morning. I arrived home quite on time to join my parents on
breakfast. Dad was of course so surprised with my unannounced
visit and as soon as we were alone, he threw the first serious

‘’I know you aren’t here for breakfast, so what brought you home
this early?’’ he asked curiously. I smiled, studying him keenly.
My old man really was a nice man who had the best plans for
me. He wanted me to be a medical doctor. He wanted me to be
the first doctor in the family and when I dropped out of school, he
was so totally devastated, to the extent of washing his hands off
However when I left for the city and started making my money,
he was forced to tolerate me once again, even though the pain of
disappointment was still very much in him.
‘’it’s because of Jude that I’m here dad’’ I breathed while he drew
back with concern.
‘’how about him?. Don’t tell me something happened to him?.
You know I was glad when you took him to the city’’ he muttered
‘’the boy is fine but I just want to know how his father really died
and why you guys hurriedly buried him?’’ I asked curiously.
‘’Oh not again’’ he breathed looking down.
‘’You know the boy’s father was a brother i cherished the most.

He never kept anything from me till his death. I was with him the
evening before his death. He spoke of many things. He told me
about a shipping business he was about starting in the country.
He equally told me about the lady he planned marrying. Yes the
lady was with him that evening. He introduced her to me but I
really didn’t pay a very close attention to her because of my bad
eyesight. But she’s very pretty and a bit advanced in age. She
looked about thirty to thirty three years old. Things played out so
fast my son. In the morning we discovered my brother dead and
all alone. The woman wasn’t there and there wasn’t any way to
find her and you know leaving my brother’s body in the morgue
for such investigation could drag on to a year. Who would foot
the bills?. Moreover the hospital we took him to said he died of
natural causes. We had no choice than to bury him’’ he explained
while I shook my head with anger.

‘’Dad I’m totally disappointed. You and your brothers just buried
one of your own like a dog just because of this silly excuse. Can I
have the keys to my uncle’s house?. I know you still have the
spare?’’ I demanded with a raised tone, leaving him indecisive for
some seconds. He finally rose up, went to his room and returned
with the keys.
‘’find the woman and perhaps, you would get all the answers you
seek’’ he said with a solemn tone as he handed the keys over to

Source: Best Online Story Store

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