Shade of Lust (Episode 18)

Shade of Lust (Episode 18)

Kelvin’s side of the story continues
‘’my name is Kelvin. I have been a silent admirer for a very
long time. You can’t imagine how long I have been observing
you. Today I had to force myself to be brave and talk to you.
So please don’t embarrass me’’ I muttered with a smile. She
rolled her eyes, shook her head and breathed deeply. A smile
slowly appeared on her face while her eyes still remained on
me as she probably did some calculations in her head.
‘’so now that you have gotten my attention. What next?’’ she
‘’the usual thing we guys always ask for. Your phone number
please’’ I begged with a playful tone.

‘’hmmmm and how are you sure I’m not engaged or married?’’
she asked curiously, leaving a deeper smile on my face. With
every attention she gave me, I grew more confident. It really
was very obvious she was enjoying the conversation. All the
fears I earlier had about confronting her quickly disappeared.
‘’well life is all about risks and luck. It took a lot from me
before approaching you today. At least I’m happy you didn’t
embarrass me and I guess the big ring you have on your
fourth finger isn’t a wedding ring’’ I said with a sharp smile.
‘’what made you say so?’’ she asked.
‘’because it is too big and shinny to be a wedding ring’’ I
answered. She laughed, fetched a business card from her
handbag and gave to me.
‘’my phone number is in there. I’m into stocks and real estate’’
she said quickly, turned and headed to her car without
another word.

I quickly threw her card into my trouser pocket, turned to head
back to my car with a smile of satisfaction only to see Cynthia
matching towards me like a soldier. I instantly froze with fear
and surprise. I really didn’t have the strength or energy to face
her tantrums that moment.

Of course I knew she was coming to make trouble. There
wasn’t any doubt she saw when I was talking with Jessica.
‘’I was passing in a tricycle when I saw you publicly displaying
your ugly teeth with that girl. You told me you were going to
your village for a meeting. Is this the route to your village?’’
she asked, raising her voice very high for people to hear.
Cynthia was just a wild cat who refused to be tamed. The only
good thing about her was just her sexual prowess.
‘’let’s go to my car and talk or do you just want to embarrass
me?’’ I calmly said to her.

‘’she is lucky I didn’t get to her before she drove away. She is
just lucky’’ she breathed angrily.
‘’why can’t you behave like an adult you are. Why are you
always suspicious in everything I do?’’ I asked as I led her to
my car.

‘’because I know the kind of man I’m dating. If you think I will
ever give you breathing space to do as you like then you must
be high on weed’’ she poured out without any reservation.
I silently stared at her without saying a word. She really was
outgrowing her usefulness. It really was about time to kick her
out of my life. I never loved her. I never had any strong
feelings for her but the constant s-x we shared kind of made
her think that we were in a relationship, something I had to
settle before it turns nasty.

‘’Where were you heading to before you spotted me?’’ I asked.
‘’I was heading to my shop’’ she answered quietly. I switched
on my car engine and slowly headed to her shop without
another word while thinking of my next step with Jessica.
Jude’s side of the story continues
I returned to the hostel later in day and lazily fell on my bed for
a long sleep. I woke around 6:30pm very hungry and dull. On
a very good day, I would have rushed over to Tracy’s room to
eat but I just couldn’t because we weren’t close to each other
anymore. I had no choice than to settle for the bread I bought
on my way back even though I had no appetite for it.
By 6:54pm, the electricity went off, leaving me with no choice
than to put on my generator. I barely had settled in my room
after putting on the generator when Tracy knocked and walked
into my room.

‘’hello. I never knew you were around until I saw your lights
turn on’’ she said with a smile, sitting on my bed. I smiled
back at her, a bit lost on what to say but happy that she came
to keep me company.

‘’I came to tell you something’’ she said seriously, leaving her
eyes on me. I nodded for her to continue.
‘’you see we have been friends for close to two years and
many people including my friends think we are dating. I
honestly don’t know how you feel about me but one thing I
know for sure is that guys are always possessive. ‘’ she said,
stopping to breathe.

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