Shade of Lust (Episode 34)

Jude’s side of the story continues from the last scene
‘’you have to listen to me Tracy, even if it’s for the last time’’ I
begged, trying hard to get the broken girl to listen to me.
‘’what is there to lie huh? What is there to say?’’ she breathed

‘’and what gave you the impression that I want to lie. I only
wanted to protect you by keeping this away from you but
since it has come to this level, I have no choice than to tell
you what actually happened on Friday night and the reason I
came over to your house yesterday’’ I stammered, trying so
hard to come up with an explanation.

I never planned telling her the truth but I equally knew I had to
at least come up with something close to the truth to get her
trust back. I really wasn’t a good liar but my business with
Kelvin taught me a whole lot of things, including turning a lie
into a believable truth.

Coolval once wrote that ‘sometimes a well told lie is better
than a painful truth’ and that was the option I had no choice
than to take. I had to come up with a well constructed lie.

‘’I was with Pamela on Friday night. The silly girl just showed
up to spend the weekend with me, without even notifying me
that she was coming over. It was hell spending the night with
her because all I could think about was you. And early the
next day, I had to lie to her that I was travelling. I couldn’t bear
spending Saturday and Sunday with her and the only way to
kick her out was to make her believe I was travelling. It was
the reason I had to start coming down to your house
yesterday, instead of Monday we agreed on. I did it all for
you. Okay why will a guy spend a night with a girl on Friday
and abandon her to visit another girl on Saturday?’’ I explained

For the first time, Tracy kept calm and searched me with her
eyes. It was obvious she was buying all I just poured out.
‘’but who is she?’’ she asked, leaving me a bit uncomfortable
with the question. Of course the last thing I would do was
telling her that Pamela was a married woman. That she’s a
senator’s wife.

‘’Pamela is a student. I used to have fun with her before the
death of my dad’’ I lied. She looked down, saying nothing.
‘’I know you still don’t believe me but do know that I have
genuine feelings and intentions for you. I will leave your house
this evening because I don’t want you to embarrass me before
your parents. I never came here to take advantage of you.
Please simply pretend as if all Is still well between us, till I
leave in few hours’’ I begged her softly.

‘’who told you I didn’t believe you?. I know you have no reason
to lie to me and the explanation you gave is more than
convincing. You have no reason to be here yesterday but you
surprised me by coming over instead of being with her. Not
many guys would do it. I’m sorry for doubting you. It’s just
that her text message shocked me. I’m fine now and I believe
you’’ she suddenly opened up with eyes filled with tears.

I swallowed hard with guilt as I stared back at her. Tears
slowly showed up in my eyes. She never deserved being lied
to but I had no choice.

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