Shade of Lust (Episode 36)

I arrived at Kelvin’s house around 9:45am and headed
straight to his bedroom since I couldn’t find him in the sitting
room. But on getting to his bedroom, I heard voices coming
out from inside which told me that he’s with someone.

The voices I heard were that of two adults discussing and not
that of two adults making love. I tapped on the door to make
my presence known before peeping into the room to know if I
was free to enter but as soon as I peeped in, a sight struck me
that shattered the remaining sanity I had left.

Kelvin sat on his bed, carrying a lady on his body and the lady
was no other person than the lady he showed me on his
computer sometime back. The lady he introduced to me as
Jessica Simon. The lady he told me could be behind my
father’s death.

Yes her image stuck in my head from that day he showed me
her picture and she was the same lady I just saw him playing

I staggered back, surprised, shocked and confused.
I returned to the sitting room, feeling so cold and miserable. I
really didn’t know how to react over the scene I just
witnessed. What I saw was nothing but two adults in love and
I couldn’t help but reason that Kelvin could be working for
both sides. He was a scammer for crying out loud and so was
capable of anything.

Yes he told me about the lady quite alright. He equally told me
about his plans for her but what I just saw really wasn’t part
of the plan and I was no fool not to know when being played.
‘’Jude I’m so glad you came’’ I soon heard Kelvin say to me
with a smile as he showed up in the sitting room. It was
possible he saw me when I peeped into his room, minutes

‘’please let’s talk outside’’ he added, winking at me. I breathed
deeply and followed him to the front veranda where he
stopped and searched me with his eyes, expecting me to say
something but I didn’t. I simply kept my feelings to myself and
made no attempt to ask him about what I just witnessed.
‘’I’m with Jessica’’ he whispered with a smile, trying hard to be
open with me. I simply shrugged, saying nothing.

‘’things are going on well between us and by God’s grace in no
time I will uncover all she’s hiding’’ he added with a smile of
accomplishment,expecting me to leave a positive response
but I said nothing, instead smiled and shook my head. The
last thing in my mind was to believe him. I simply pretended
and smiled like an innocent kid.

‘’you don’t look too well to me. What’s up?’’ he asked,
searching me with his eyes once again.

‘’I have been down with fever. The exam stress was just too
much’’ I answered softly, keeping the main reason I came to
visit him to myself. Of course I couldn’t get myself to tell him
my problem and secret after what I just witnessed. I kind of
decided to tackle my problem without involving him.
‘’oh I see. No wonder’’ he breathed.

‘’I just felt like saying hello to you today, that’s the reason I
stopped by. Anyway I have to go. You are busy’’ I said, forcing
out a smile while he shrugged, his eyes still on me. It was very
obvious he sensed something wasn’t right with me.

‘’okay but I will be expecting you soon again because we have
a new deal to push through’’ he muttered softly. I smiled,
nodded and left his apartment without another word.

Yes I really felt bitter seeing him with that woman and
supposing I was stronger and older than him, I would have
dealt with the lady in his presence without minding what it
would lead to but unfortunately all I could do that moment
was just to pretend and walk away with a heart full of hatred.

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