I think about you
In the morning
Hoping that you
Find me charming
I think about you
In the afternoon
Hoping that I
Can meet you soon
I think about you
In the evening
Hoping that I
Can see you smiling
I think about you
In the night
Hoping that you
Understand my plight
I like you
I hope you don’t get mad
This text message is a confession
It comes straight from my heart
I hope it doesn’t get a rejection
This is to let you know
That I can’t sleep, I can’t rest
I have a big crush on you
I just don’t know what to do next
Can I take you out sometime
If you say yes, I will surely smile
I promise, you will have a fun time
Every moment, will be totally worthwhile
I like you
The day I saw you
I was head over heels
The day I met you
I came to know what my heart feels
The day I talked to you
My heart got smitten
The day I shook hands with you
My soul got bitten
The day I hugged you
I almost passed out
I have a massive crush on you
There is no doubt
I like you
What do I like about you the most
Is it the way you walk
Is it your romantic glance
Or is it the way you talk
It is the way you dress
Is it your flirty pout
I am a bit confused here
I hope you can help me out
I like you
Every time I look at you
My senses go out of control
My body starts shivering
And I eventually freeze up like a pole
Every time I look at you
My palms get sweaty
My mind goes totally blank
Because you are so pretty
Every time I look at you
My eyes start fluttering
My lips break into a smile
My heart starts to sing
I have given us both nicknames
I call myself iron, and I call you magnet
Because every time I see you
I fly towards you like a jet
Since the day our eyes met
I just can’t stop dreaming
Since the day we had a chat
My heart just doesn’t stop singing
Humming bubbly pop tunes
Has become a habit of mine
Your pictures on Facebook
Give me my daily shine
I had a crush on you since the beginning
These feelings are nothing new
I have not told this to you before
But I like you, I really do
My mind tells me that you
Could be a heartbreaker
My heart tells me that you
Could be my life’s anchor
My gut tells me that you
Could be the man of my dreams
The only way to find the truth
Is to ask you out, it seems
I like you
Why do I like you? Even if the sky became my canvas, it will not be big enough for me to pen down every reason. So let me just cut the story short and say that you are my number one.
I have run out of fake excuses to meet you, call you in the middle of the night and send you texts all the time. So today let me just confess that I have a massive crush on you and I want you to be mine.
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